As the week wore on, activity on the campuses, clustered mainly in the far northwest corner of the city, sputtered and appeared to die except for occasional political posters.
Tall buildings are clustered mainly in downtown areas, which historically have been so deserted at night that tumbleweeds could blow unperturbed across the desolate streets.
The forms and values of classical poetry, too, are kept alive by a group of highly accomplished formalists who are clustered mainly around the monthly Hisar which ceased publishing at the end of 1980 after 30 years.
The Spanish established settlements in the area in the 1760s mainly clustering around Mission San Diego de Alcala.
The Kurds, an ancient, indigenous non-Arabic people, number about 20 million altogether and are clustered mainly in the border areas of northern Iraq, Syria, southeastern Turkey and western Iran.
Many Methodists had expected an outcry over the decision from liberal congregations clustered mainly in the Northeast and the West Coast.
The house later becomes infested with moths, mainly clustered in Em's room.
There are few trees on Saltholm, clustered mainly in two places in the north and south-west of the island.
Falfield is clustered mainly along the A38 road.
Rather than uniformly covering and protecting the atmosphere from solar wind, however, the magnetic field takes the form of a collection of smaller, umbrella-shaped fields, mainly clustered together around the planet's southern hemisphere.