One side of the school was reserved for boys' classes, the other for girls', with co-educational classes being held in the center sections.
The school was founded in 1963 and offers co-educational classes from kindergarten through grade 12.
The schools have taught co-educational classes in the sixth form since 2000.
It was not until 1972 that Boston Latin would admit its first co-educational class.
In 1936 there were 14 girls at the school and in 1937, with 21 girls enrolled, co-educational classes were held.
He attended Phillips Academy, and graduated in 1974 in the school's first co-educational class.
In Years 10 - 12 boys and girls learn together in a co-educational classes.
In 1966, co-educational classes commenced with a small number of girls attending Marist College for lessons.
The class of 1984 was the first co-educational class to graduate from the Academy.
Nevertheless she opposed the idea of co-educational classes and went to some trouble to arrange things so as not to attract criticism.