The co-generation plants are also likely to be successful.
The Grumman Corporation, for example, is expected to complete a $63 million co-generation plant by July.
"Dirty power" can be imported for coal-fired co-generation plants, and there is also gas.
In addition, the company develops two biogas-fuelled co-generation plants in Estonia.
The improvements include a $7.5 million co-generation plant, allowing it to generate its own electricity.
In 1985, the company chose to diversify into related, nonregulated businesses that include co-generation plants, land development and electrical construction.
Some will improve efficiency by building more co-generation plants, which use excess steam from electricity generation as a heat source.
The company has also diversified into nonregulated businesses that include co-generation plants, land development and electrical construction.
Propane is also a growing fuel source in electric co-generation plants.
Mr. Belmont said the utility was not trying to stop the construction of all co-generation plants.