He advocated the co-operative model of economic organisation, but resisted alliance between the ILP and other socialist organisations in Britain, like the Fabians.
Sanford is one example of the many government-funded co-operative models that grew out of freely available capital funding in the 1970s.
More widely, couldn't we radicalise the co-operative model and have all companies democratically owned and run by managers and workers?
Councils are building co-operative models in social care and housing, transforming the way the state and local people work together.
For example, a relatively small buyout might choose a co-operative model with an Industrial and Provident Society or a share company structure.
The system used a co-operative multitasking model, meaning that time was given to the background applications only when the running application yielded control.
The success of the argan co-operatives has also encouraged other producers of agricultural products to adopt the co-operative model.
By the 1990s, CWS's share of the market had declined considerably and many came to doubt the viability of co-operative model.
The co-operative model, based on member control, can never be taken for granted.
The co-operative model is a fantastic idea but will the powers that be let it fly ?