On page 527 of this issue, Richard Alley and co-workers report ice-core evidence of a different, but equally profound nature.
In 2009, Michael Crimmins and co-workers reported their synthesis of Brevetoxin-1 as well.
The co-worker reported his friend to the INS, and he was deported.
Her co-workers immediately became concerned about Girly's welfare and reported her missing that day.
Her co-workers reported her missing when she did not show up for her flight the next morning.
Branchaud and co-workers have reported that this approach, followed by an additional ring closing step, can be used to accomplish a non-repeatable 180 rotation.
On Monday, a co-worker reported her missing to officers at the 19th Precinct station house, they said.
But in too many cases co-workers do not effectively report those problems.
And whoever was in charge of that plant had resorted to murder, rather than have co-workers report the truth.
Harran and co-workers reported another impressive advance in the same issue of Science.