After the game, both coaches complained about the soft ice and the great amount of cigarette smoke in the arena.
"Players and coaches never complained to the star ref; they would come at the new guy," Crawford says.
But yesterday, neither the coach nor the team's star was complaining.
Under normal circumstances, a coach might have complained about outside interference.
"The coaches were complaining that I'm not getting enough rebounds," he said.
After the event, Yang's coaches had complained about the mistake in the start value.
But our coaches didn't complain because they knew it's the way baseball is played.
To a greater extent than before, coaches complain, the new recruits seem to have lost a feel for the classroom.
Geiger said that "if the coaches are complaining now, wait until June when the presidents meet."
But coaches are still complaining about their players participating in the game - they're just doing so privately.