Darrell Walker, the interim coach for the last 38 games of the season, was hired as director of player personnel earlier this week.
The distinction of the best coach of the season is awarded by the Coaches' Basketball Union.
The coach's competition, introduced in Big Brother 14 is a weekly competition where the coaches of the season compete for food and power.
On 14 March 2012 he became the first team's fourth coach of the season, replacing the fired Manuel Cajuda.
The MVP awards for the best player and coach of the season were given before the final game had been played.
The coaches of the first season are the same as last year.
On March 28, the Predators fired their second coach of the season as well as their director of operations.
An award system was developed in 2006 in which the best player and coach of the footballing season are selected by a panel of journalists.
In the final result for the best coach of the season, Minasyan unanimously won first place.
However, the coach of the 1892 season is unknown.