Most coaches of most teams prefer to sit in the front.
One of the players who remained, defensive back Chris Rhodes, did not do so with the conviction that his coach might have preferred.
Many coaches prefer this system, having one setter as the team leader.
As a pivotman Basnight is not, at 6 feet 8 inches and 190 pounds, the physical force that coaches prefer in the middle.
But Thompson and most big-time coaches would prefer not to take chances until the conference season.
Some past champions have staggered through the first round, improving all the time, but coaches would prefer getting 3 points right away.
On the other hand, there are many reasons why many coaches prefer not to use the zone.
But he never sounded as if he was complaining, displaying the kind of toughness his coach prefers.
The quarterback says he's often second-guessed; the coach prefers to say he challenges him.
Usually, however, captains and coaches prefer not to adjust the batting order unless necessary.