The coach was screaming at those kids.
Should a coach get in Marion's face and scream at him that he must knock down Odom?
On the sidelines the Browns' coach, Marty Schottenheimer, was screaming for his defense to call time out.
The Giants' coach flung down his earphones and screamed at the nearest official.
Players work for hours, the coaches scream and Soriano, of course, understood little of what they yelled.
And they both know that when the coach screams on the sideline, his face red, it is a field persona and nothing personal.
The coach screamed at her to keep running.
The Nets' players and coaches screamed, pleading for a blocking foul on Wallace.
If the coaches didn't scream and yell so much, you'd never guess that any of it actually mattered.
So it is no surprise that coaches stomp and scream until they are blue in the face about eliminating turnovers.