The coach took notice of his size and suggested he start out as an offensive lineman.
Could it be, as some successful coaches have suggested, that players simply tune out a coach after two or three years?
But a coach had suggested that he see a sports psychologist, just like Tomba has.
The coach suggested that "the big guy upstairs" might have been punishing the Rangers for so many poor games late in the regular season.
The coach suggested that Chester's remark was in response to a leading question.
The coach took one look at Okoye and suggested he try out for football.
As the screenwriting coach in "Adaptation" suggests, every kind of movie can benefit from a good song.
Finally, his coach suggested that he fire himself up by visualizing a sporting event.
Nevertheless, the coach suggested that Martin might be running with a little higher stride and not as forcefully.
The coach suggested the players try relaxing in the dark for five minutes before each game in order to be calm and ready to play.