Barber criticized the Giants' coaching strategy on several occasions during his career.
He's a father first, and he doesn't like to watch it, but on about 90 percent of the coaching strategy he and I agree completely.
"You pray a lot," said Joe Walton, describing his coaching strategy in that last drive.
It's not going to be about any real coaching strategy.
"When Jayson goes to the hospital, what coaching strategy can you do?"
Several people involved with the program have developed innovative coaching strategies and helped restructure amateur athletics.
Hinson's teams tend to be stronger on defense rather than offense, and this has become a part of his coaching strategy.
Owens's words were of great distaste when it comes to a player's opinion about a coaching strategy.
As a result, head coach Marc Crawford implemented a highly offensive coaching strategy.
But there were times when Reeves and his staff cooked up great coaching strategies.