Still I suppose a coal fired or gas power station should do the job,eh.
Originally coal fired, the boilers were converted to oil in 1946.
Central and South West plants are mostly natural gas and coal fired.
At least if a coal fired power station goes?
It included hot and cold running water, with a bathroom on the second floor, and a coal fired furnace.
It will not replace coal fired power generation for a very long time, it will add to them.
A small coal fired power station was built along with the mine, to meet the electricity needs of the mining operation and the surrounding area.
Federal and environmental regulations are forcing all coal fired utilities to change how they will run their plants into the future.
The first coal fired generating stations in the system were also built in this period.
Tallawarra originally operated as a coal fired power station beginning in 1954 and reaching full operation by 1961.