Dzungaria has deposits of coal, iron, and gold, as well as large oil fields.
Besides being rich in coal, iron and other minerals, Ukraine is one of the most fertile regions on earth.
Other industries setup alongside the steel plant including mining for coal, iron and other minerals.
The state planning agency was subdivided into its own industrial departments, such as coal, iron, and machine building.
Some theories state that the French aimed to occupy the centre of German coal, iron, and steel production in the Ruhr area valley simply to get the money.
It has reported rich deposits of coal, copper, iron and related compounds of magnetite, pyrites and marcasite, but the lodes remain untouched.
Before World War II, Poland's industrial base was concentrated in the coal, textile, chemical, machinery, iron, and steel sectors.
Commodities carried by the railroad are grain, sand, gravel, stone, forest products, paper products, coal, coke, cement, clay, fertilizer, aluminum, chemicals, iron, and steel.
Natural resources include coal, petroleum, lead, tungsten, zinc, graphite, magnesite, iron ore, copper, gold, pyrites, salt, fluorspar and hydropower.
It grew rapidly and made handsome profits from exports of coal, pig iron and steel products to Canadian and international markets.