In addition to the main coal-fired unit, the station has a number of kerosene-fired back-up units:
The two identical coal-fired generating units have a combined capacity of 1,340 MW.
The average age of 35 coal-fired units retired during 1988-1991 was 44.6 years, with a range of 14-74 years.
The mercury emission limits apply only to coal-fired units.
A second coal-fired unit was successfully converted at the Moran during the summer of 1979.
The intention would be to build a coal-fired unit that would effectively capture most carbon dioxide emissions.
The options include installing scrubbers on coal-fired units and switching fuels.
The three coal-fired units are base-loaded and went into operation in 1959, 1960, and 1962 respectively.
Its coal-fired units 4 and 6 are among the oldest operating power plants in the United States.
Today 109 such plants produce 21 percent of the nation's electricity, providing a significant supplement to coal-fired units.