One of the men said something Rachel couldn't understand, and two coarse ropes were produced.
The coarse rope scraped my hands as I struggled to loosen them.
Unfortunately, that wasn't an option because of the thick, coarse ropes binding his hands and feet.
Then I lost my grip for an instant and felt the coarse rope burn my palm.
Both of them were sitting back to back, bound together with a coarse rope, while the meeting across the room dragged on.
A coarse rope has been tied on this bed, and tightly enough to force a strand of it between the wood.
He reached up and felt the coarse rope around his neck.
She thought of her hands and feet free, but the coarse rope still dug into her flesh.
She also saw the abrasions the coarse rope and jagged rock had left.
Tristan stared straight ahead, the coarse rope chafing his neck.