Ryba gave a harsh bark, not quite a laugh, and Dyliess murmured and turned on the coarse sheet.
She forgot about the coarse sheet that grazed her back.
How else to explain coarse white sheets and a medicinal smell?
Liandra smoothed the coarse sheet down her legs.
It was, Theo saw, a poster badly printed on a large, coarse sheet, the ink a little smudged, still not quite dry.
The bed had a single coarse sheet over an even lumpier-looking mattress, covered with a heavy brown blanket.
At the resulting gurgle from within, he set it by the door and returned to rob the cot of pillow and the single coarse but clean sheet.
White ceiling, clean coarse sheets over soft mattress.
A monk made up our cots with clean, coarse sheets.
Too much sweating on coarse sheets, he thought.