Despite the repetition, there may have been multiple landings along the part of the coast known to the Saxons as Cerdic's Shore.
Approximately one kilometre to the north-west, there is a point on the steep coast, known as the Gellort, which is a little further north.
In early summer, Claremont can receive dense fog or marine layer from the coast, also known as "June gloom."
These three tests were conducted off the coast of Kahoolawe, Hawaii, in early 1965, known as Operation Sailor Hat.
The whole section of "coast" known as the Pirate Isles was constantly in flux.
Coupled with this are almost constant strong, drying winds, especially along the coast, known as "Tiokatimo."
From early in the history of Bridlington, a small fishing port grew up near the coast, later known as Bridlington Quay.
Louisiana's coast, known as America's wetland, is disappearing at the alarming rate of a football field every 30 minutes.
One was the anonymous sailor who carved the date 1543 on a rock on the south coast, now known as Spanish Rock.
The coast next to the village, known as Horsey Dunes, is a major wildlife site.