Even today coastal currents from the Merrimack in flood deposit unacceptable levels of debris on the beach, which must be cleaned up.
The beach is noted for its abundance of sand dunes and strong, often dangerous coastal currents.
Larvae drift as plankton for four to eight weeks in the coastal currents, often travelling large distances.
During otherwise fine fishing weather, coastal currents would suddenly shift in their flow from a southerly direction to a northerly one.
They need substantial water microturbulence, generally provided by wave action or coastal currents.
The present dumping method depends on scattering of the material as it sinks thousands of feet through coastal currents.
'Use our own experience of the oceans and the coastal currents to help them.'
Sand discharged from this river is transported northward by the prevailing coastal currents.
There are five major coastal currents affiliated with upwelling zones.
When the rings approach continental shelves, coastal currents are affected, which can cause organisms to drift onto the shelf that ordinarily would not be there.