In 1910, a year after the Lincoln penny was issued, Tanguay appeared on stage in a coat entirely covered in the new coins.
The wind, I thought, was shaking the door, but no, it was St John, who came in out of the frozen darkness, his coat covered in snow.
Their body is short and cylindrical, often convex, sometimes with a smooth coat of fine short hairs, sometimes being covered in long bristly hairs.
It contained an eagle mask in black and gold and a coat covered with feathers to match.
He was wearing a floor-length scarlet coat covered from hem to knee with gold embroidery: in the old days, Silence remembered, that had been the mark of a havildar.
As the players descended the stairs, they came upon Biasone, his face frosted, his hat and coat covered with snow.
A horse stumbled, ribs gaunt in a coat covered with festering sores, fell to its knees beside the rat-gnawed carcass of a hound, and then lay still.
He is described in the books as resembling a rodent, and wears a long 'poacher's' coat covered in pockets.
Sheep, their thick coats covered with dirt, gathered around the ruins of a stone house as the train descended to the Sorek gorge in the Judean hills.
Dr. Bull, the last day of Creation, wore a coat covered with heraldic animals in red and gold, and on his crest a man rampant.