Tugging his coat was not making anyone let go.
But not even her favorite coat could make the fear she felt at the sight of her father go away.
When standing next to dead trees and in broken snow, the white and dark brown coat makes the dog difficult to see.
That's why a cat's coat doesn't really make a difference in whether you're allergic to it or not.
The wrap-over coat also made an appearance during this era.
The golden tiger's white coat and gold patches make it stand out from the norm.
Designers seemed to recognize that a coat could make a strong statement, just as accessories have done.
Many changes may seem frivolous, as if a new coat of paint can make an impact in an essentially brutal business.
Ms. Prada showed coats made to look as if they were inside out and ready for some lab work.
The coat had made her so hot that she was sweating heavily.