Specifically, in utero cocaine exposure has been linked to the development of septo-optic dysplasia.
Hair analysis, however, can give false positives for cocaine exposure.
However, by itself, cocaine exposure during fetal development has not subsequently been identified as a risk factor for the syndrome.
Little evidence suggests a link between fetal cocaine exposure and problems with cognitive development.
It is not well understood why cocaine exposure is associated with congenital malformations.
One particular study examined the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure, among other factors, on cognitive ability in children.
In other words, children growing up in poverty, with or without the disadvantage of prenatal cocaine exposure, do not develop as well as they should.
Adverse effects of fetal cocaine exposure on neonatal auditory information processing.
March of Dimes officials today announced the nation's first statewide study of cocaine exposure in newborn children.
Although cocaine exposure appears to confer higher risk for problems in behavior and development, most of these children appear to develop normally.