Then he began to move cocaine shipments along with his general smuggling business.
Transporters from Mexico usually were given 35% to 50% of each cocaine shipment.
They, at least, had ensured that the cocaine shipment was safely on its way.
Also, to show good faith, I will unilaterally reduce cocaine shipments to your country by half.
He also admitted having driven cocaine shipments from Florida to Cincinnati.
Your business has already gotten a big boost from the cocaine shipment I brought you.
François and other military commanders were said to have protected 70,000 pounds of cocaine shipments in 1987.
In 2005, the first major cocaine shipment was intercepted by the police.
The police estimate that about 10 percent of cocaine shipments are intercepted before leaving for consuming countries.
Strike goes to meet Papi to pick up the week's cocaine shipment but finds him shot to death.