It also operates pleasure trips - try the sunset cocktail cruise - for the same price.
The resort's resident Miss Ann - a 127-foot National Historic Register yacht - will glide you along the rivers on a 90-minute cocktail cruise.
The conference schedule includes a cocktail cruise, a beach barbecue and a chance to take part in what is described as a "catamaran snorkeling sail."
See the Sea To view the lovely southern Maine coast by boat, hop on the good ship Finestkind's one-hour cocktail cruise (207-646-5227; $11 adults, $7 children).
These may include a welcome meal for newcomers, a sunset cocktail cruise, a night out in Nidri, or a visit to beautiful Sivota Bay.
In Acapulco the Yate Fiesta and the Aca Tiki are the long-running favorites for sunset cocktail cruises.
Chicago Line's 90-minute tours depart hourly, and 6 p.m. is the cocktail cruise.
Mr. Farrell, a Scotch drinker, and the other semilanded lake gentry prefer a sunset cocktail cruise of pontoon boats.
And the publishers who bring out books by these celebrities and celebrity authors are out here, too, throwing fancy parties and cocktail cruises and dinners.
It is also possible to reserve the balloon for a private cocktail cruise - or, rather, levitation - that costs about $320 for an hour.