The combination of co-workers, forced holiday spirit, end-of-year stress and cocktails can make for an awkward evening.
Still, statistics do show evidence that cocktails are making something of a comeback.
There may be a wait at Whiskers, (802) 253-8996, on the Mountain Road, but cocktails in the garden make it pleasant.
Had those cocktails made him drowsy, and had his thoughts gone straying into the realms of pure fancy?
Either the cocktails or the animal magnetism of his companion was making him a bit dizzy.
Happy-hour cocktails are sensibly priced and make a cheap date when paired with the snack-sized Thai dishes.
The sultry bar and lounge on the ground floor attracts the young and the beautiful, but the $10 cocktails would make anyone happy.
The cocktail in his bloodstream made him clumsy and awkward.
Such cocktail of styles mixed with animal energy makes the original sound of Animal Jazz.
French 75 is a cocktail made from gin, Champagne, lemon juice, and sugar.