On 1 May 2003 four-digit postal codes (one for each city) were replaced by six-digit codes.
Programmers assumed back in 1970 that by the millennium, the code they were writing would have been long replaced.
The alphanumeric codes for these stations were also replaced.
The Polish administrative and legal code was replaced by the Prussian system, and 750 schools were built from 1772-1775.
Of course, over the years these Roman codes were adjusted to the current circumstances, and then replaced by new codifications, written in Greek.
And two years ago, that old ethical code was replaced by a new one.
Instead he states that "the Bábí shari'a made an impact... it stated very clearly that the Islamic code could be replaced."
That same year the original lengthy code was rewritten and replaced with a list of eleven points.
The SBC's secret codes were replaced with detailed regulations spelling out entitlement to benefit.
The 1902 penal code will gradually be replaced by the 2005 penal code.