I'm making code revisions now.
All the code revisions are in the directory slash code.
If complete code revision is impossible, Congress and the administration are all but certain to address a few pressing problems in the current system.
"And these code revisions, which are the most significant since the codes' inception in 1937, are going a long way to achieving community input."
Despite yesterday's news, the proposed code revisions have serious deficiencies.
But the code revision, which individual state legislatures could adopt, adapt or ignore at their own choosing, is at least a year away from completion.
They did fine, he said, until the 1986 returns, which is when some of the code revisions began to apply.
Mr. Vaxberg predicted that the 100-member commission working on the criminal code revisions would curtail two statutes used to suppress dissent.
So far, though, 9/11 has not been a turning point for code revision, in the way past disasters were - like the Triangle Shirtwaist fire of 1911.
He said professional consultants proposed the code revisions as a way to upgrade existing housing and move Wildwood into a more prosperous future.