Good point - Thumb2 alone can be really useful for reducing code size and increasing cache efficiency if used effectively.
If an application frequently adds the code to handle this failure then it will increase the code size significantly.
Dynamic linking has advantages in code size and management, but every time a program is run, the loader needs to find the relevant libraries.
Typical code size on a 32bit target processor is about 5 KiBytes.
Fine-grained parallelism means individual tasks are relatively small in terms of code size and execution time.
This means that 64-bit instructions are one byte longer, a fact that makes for slightly increased code sizes.
It uses many existing kernel subsystems for its operations and hence has a very modest code size.
The primary cost of inlining is that it tends to increase code size, although it does not always do so.
The total code size (in bytes) is still less for stack machines.
The increase in code size is only about 108 bytes - even if there are thousands of entries in the array.