What's "nightmarish" is trying to get extra codec support installed on a Mac.
New versions of the Smacker file format also introduce Bink audio codec support.
Endgadget knocked the limited codec support, but lauded the attractive design and low ($149.95) announced price tag.
Augmenting QuickTime's codec support using a plug-in of any kind?
Color 1.5 mainly got vastly improved codec support.
When you realize that they can easily add new codec support without a firmware upgrade, it seems pretty obvious where this is headed.
It also lacked the proper configuration for the 10v touchpad and the media player was unable to play MP3 files due to lack of codec support.
What I'm worried about most is the codec support.
Additionally, proprietary codec support in many current open source media players potentially constitutes patent infringement.
This is, however, not recommended by anyone, as future firmware versions contain significant improvements and added codec support.