With relatively abundant prey, tigers and leopards were seen to successfully coexist without competitive exclusion or inter-species dominance hierarchies that may be more common to the savanna.
While chain hotels dominate in many suburban areas of the country, independent and chain hotels seem to coexist successfully in New York.
Will the two young stars continue to coexist successfully as co-stars, leading the Bullets into the next decade?
But with Johnson gone, Parcells may believe that he can successfully coexist with Owens.
Quite early in their history some partly coiled or even tightly coiled species evolved, and the various coiling types seem to have coexisted successfully side by side.
Many species of gull have learned to coexist successfully with humans and have thrived in human habitats.
At the conclusion of this NPEF effort, significant technical concerns remain that operation of an ATC service can successfully coexist with GPS.
The piccatas, marsalas, tettrazinis and Florentines successfully coexist with the likes of Irish beef-barley soup, corned beef and cabbage, shepherd's pie and Irish mixed grill.
So far, a situation where national, European and international legal systems coexist successfully exists only in its initial stages and in the minds of a few specialists.
He wanted to understand the forces that allowed so many different varieties of finch to coexist successfully in such a small geographic area.