In this instance, both the Michelob Light and Colombian coffee commercials are set in supermarkets.
Nestlé tried to use the song "Feeling Good" in a coffee commercial, though the band refused to give the company permission to do so.
Carl: a "resting" actor, best known for a coffee commercial, now happily working in a garden centre and Kate's college boyfriend.
"When El Exigente walks by, they make sure they look good," he said, comparing himself to the choosy taste-tester in an old coffee commercial.
After Louise's death, the narrator relates, Harry moved to another state where he got a job making coffee commercials.
She had found success in a coffee commercial, which she calls "residual heaven" ("Coffee").
Her wrecked face draws bad press, and her coffee commercial is withdrawn.
Like that coffee commercial.
But Mahler's sprawling, neurobiologically tumultuous scores were ill suited to coffee commercials and intermission chimes.
"If I say that people feel younger and better, it sounds like a coffee commercial," he said.