Formerly Angola's leading export, by 1985 coffee exports had dropped to 8 percent of their 1973 level.
After two weeks of debate, the minister backtracked and resumed coffee exports.
However, due to economic recession in the 1990s, coffee export reduced slightly.
The city is well known for its coffee exports.
During 2006, coffee export in Mexico has grown to 4.2 million bags, but it was still low, compared to 5 years ago.
Damage just the banana and coffee exports were at $325 million.
In 2006 coffee exports were worth K471 million.
South America is now responsible for approximately 45% of the world's total coffee exports.
Approximately 25 percent of coffee exports left the country illegally in the late 1980s.
Between 1880 and 1914, the value of coffee exports rose by more than 1,100 percent.