Recently, one of his clients appeared in his office in the modernized turn-of-the century inn and upended a coffee tin containing $80,000 in gold nuggets.
Angua reached for the old coffee tin that represented the Watch's tea kitty.
There are some good socks rolled up in that coffee tin.
Munny faces the coffee tin and solemnly extends his pistol arm straight out and carefuly sights along the barrel.
The coffee tin doesn't move.
The latter is made in a pudding mold, but it could be baked effectively in an empty one-pound coffee tin.
The magnetron efficiently generated microwaves from a device the size of a coffee tin, lowering operational wavelengths from the meter range to 9.8 cm.
Philip carefully lifted his coffee tin and sipped.
In a later lesson session Worden took an empty coffee tin into the nursery.
The sullen boy looked at them without interest, then turned and elegantly hawked a gob into a coffee tin and rolled to face the wall.