During my travels nearly 20 years ago through Indonesia's coffee-growing regions, I would often stop by a bamboo-thatched lean-to for a drink.
It is approximately 175 miles (282 km) north of Medellín, in the heart of Colombia's coffee-growing region.
Madikeri and Somavarapete are towns in the coffee-growing region.
Coffee futures prices rose sharply despite weekend showers in the major coffee-growing region of Brazil.
Weather reports scuttled talk of a cold spell in Brazil's coffee-growing regions.
Along the way you'll cross Andean mountain passes, coffee-growing regions and coastal flatlands.
Inland is the coffee-growing region in and around the cities of Coatepec and Xalapa.
News of significant rainfall in Brazilian coffee-growing regions also caused selling of futures.
But this coffee-growing region tucked into the mountains of central Colombia has rarely known violence.
The federation has built and maintained roads, electrical plants, schools and hospitals in coffee-growing regions.