In the social sciences, the concept of semantic domains stemmed from the ideas of cognitive anthropology.
From a linguistics stand-point, cognitive anthropology uses language as the doorway to study cognition.
Linguistic study of cognitive anthropology may be broken down into three subfields: semantics, syntactics, and pragmatics.
Fluent in over a dozen languages, he was also an expert in the arcane field of cognitive anthropology.
That's what fascinates me about cognitive anthropology.
D'Andrade (1995) sees the history of cognitive anthropology proper as divisible into four phases.
Set to the challenge, researchers have drawn upon theories from related fields, like cognitive psychology and cognitive anthropology.
Structuralism also influenced a number of developments in 1960s and 1970s, including cognitive anthropology and componential analysis.
Ethnographic semantics are very similar to cognitive anthropology in that its primary focus is the intellectual and rational perspectives of the culture being studied.
A. Kimball Romney is a social sciences professor and one of the founders of cognitive anthropology.