Although individuals with AS usually understand the cognitive basis of humor, they seem to lack understanding of the intent of humor to share enjoyment with others.
The cognitive basis of science (pp.
Social Identity Theory: cognitive and motivational basis of intergroup differentiation.
Emphasis is being placed on the cognitive basis of social identity in contrast to the more familiar emphasis on evaluations.
The book documents protests that are not only of cognitive or factual basis but also often about interpretations.
At Rice University in Houston, a music professor is planning to study the cognitive basis for sight-reading.
While they have grasped the cognitive basis of humor, they do not affectively respond.
He worked on characterising the cognitive basis of schizophrenia.
His research is in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, focusing on the cognitive and neural basis of the perception of music.
Cognitive hearing science is an interdisciplinary science field concerned with the physiological and cognitive basis of hearing and its interplay with signal processing in hearing aids.