We've done a lot of the science on reversing cognitive deficiencies in people with insomnia and sleep deficiencies.
Cognitive paralysis is when an individual fails to respond or 'freezes' during an emergency because of either a temporal or cognitive deficiency.
Patients with frontal lesions vary broadly in the cognitive deficiencies they exhibit and is tied specifically to the precise modality of the lesion.
It is more specifically described as an action or opinion given through inadequate use of reason, emotional distress, or cognitive deficiency.
IBM repeatedly expressed concerns that the show's writers would exploit Watson's cognitive deficiencies when writing the clues, thereby turning the game into a Turing test.
This can cause cognitive and memory deficiencies via blockade of the reward system, which is pertinent to memory formation and normal mental function.
These cognitive deficiencies are characteristic of frontostriatal disorders.
Also, cognitive deficiencies in areas like reading comprehension are more readily measured and less controversial than character defects, like the inability to delay gratification or concentrate on tasks.
General medical investigation usually reveals developmental delay and cognitive deficiencies in children with true LGS.