In particular, such pupils should not be offered materials with a reduced cognitive demand.
Managing cognitive demands for writing: Comparing the effects of instructional components in strategy instruction.
Prior exposure to the material - if the child has been exposed to the educational material before, cognitive demand will be lessened.
The task of dealing with explanations in the intentional mode imposes both cognitive and linguistic demands on the child.
Despite these cognitive and linguistic demands, there are grounds for predicting that young children will be able to handle intentional explanations.
The results indicate that five- and eight-year-olds are able to cope with all of these cognitive and linguistic demands.
Brain fitness is the capacity of a person to meet the various cognitive demands of life.
Rather, the reward is dependent on the level of general cognitive demands required by the job.
"Response strategies for coping with the cognitive demands of attitude measures in surveys."
"There is no cognitive demand placed on a hamburger-eating driver," she told them.