For instance, social experiences, such as disagreements between close friends, have been found to foster role taking skills and social cognitive growth.
The child gets behind in its cognitive, emotional and sexual growth, which, by itself, also influences its processing abilities of the endocrine disease.
Vygotsky holds that language is fundamental to a child's cognitive growth.
The work of Perry, with his stages of cognitive growth, is acknowledged within the research programme but justice is hardly done to it.
Education is crucial in the psychosocial adjustment and cognitive growth of refugee children.
The study also included self-reported measures of students' cognitive growth.
Intellectual disability is regarded as a condition of arrested cognitive growth commencing in the developmental years of early and young childhood.
The field of developmental psychology had grown during this period, and scientists were beginning to understand that changes in early childhood education could increase children's cognitive growth.
Age, cognitive growth, and continued social experience advance the development and complexity of the internal working model.
The preschool focuses on meeting the developmental needs of children in physical, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual growth.