When the children's genotype also influences their behavioral or cognitive outcomes, the result can be a spurious relationship between environment and outcome.
There has been some research conducted on the effects of media multitasking on other cognitive outcomes such as learning.
Even high-quality childcare from non-maternal care workers can not attenuate the negative consequences of early maternal employment on cognitive outcomes.
Over 74 studies have produced evidence of positive cognitive and social outcomes arising from the Community of Inquiry approach, even when used only in small doses.
Long-term predictors of cognitive outcome in a cohort of older people with hypertension.
In addition, brain volumes were also assessed and related to cognitive outcomes in the same manner.
This finding suggests that cognitive outcomes are indeed sensitive to the ratio of negative to positive stereotypes.
The cognitive outcome of hemispherectomy in 71 children.
Extended practice and aerobic exercise interventions benefit untrained cognitive outcomes in older adults: A meta-analysis.
Learning outcomes can be organized into three broad categories: cognitive, skill-based, and affective outcomes.