The designers must choose a pair of opposites to drive their design, but later discover that their two cohesive looks must also reflect day and evening wear.
Alternatively, in a large kitchen achieve a cohesive look by using the same tiles for the splashback and floor.
Lazzaretti also helped to create a cohesive look for the core books and dungeon maps for the Dungeons & Dragons third edition.
The collection as a whole is gaining a cohesive look.
Its show this year, based on theme rather than medium and covering the historical waterfront, has a different look: less cohesive, lower in immediate impact.
The Furniture Classics line of furniture comprises pieces that complement each other to ensure a cohesive look in your home.
As long as the colors match your theme, this will be a whimsical, cohesive look.
They are also often very economical being produced in sets of several images which work together to form a cohesive look.
It has a fairly clear-cut, if trendy, agenda and a cohesive look.
"James also said it was to be a modern movie, a movie of style with a cohesive look."