Mr. Gregory praised those campaigns for offering "one cohesive message," adding, "You can get a lot of benefit from that, relating to familiarity, reputation, cash flow - even stock price."
We can provide the fundamental ingredients for moving forward with a collective agenda and cohesive messages that reflect voters' priorities from state to state .
To create a personalized audio message, individual audio segments must be recorded and later reassembled to create one complete, cohesive message.
Corporate Communications help organizations explain their mission, combine its many visions and values into a cohesive message to stakeholders.
The Democratic Party's problem is not a lack of partisan media but rather the lack of a cohesive and compelling message.
Mr. Dole conceded to reporters that the successes of the Buchanan campaign had helped give him a more cohesive message and said it seemed to be working here.
She insists, however, that she is motivated to exchange ideas because her party is sputtering while the Republicans are successfully organizing, registering voters, delivering a cohesive message and winning elections.
We need a coherent and cohesive message because a lot of people are yelling and that's where we alienate people.
As the mishmash of images might suggest, there is little stock put in creating a cohesive message about the festival.
Previously used arguments appear to be reused and combined into one cohesive message.