Both were cohesive nations long before their defeat; Iraq never has been.
President Bush was hardly alone in hoping that America would emerge from the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 a stronger and more cohesive nation.
Scottish nationalism is nationalism that promotes the idea that the Scottish people form a cohesive nation and national identity.
Their Statuto Race is among the oldest annual foot races in the country having started back in 1919 to commemorate Italy's first constitution as a cohesive nation.
Universally praised as a skilled diplomat and strategist, he was able to wield the disparate refugee groups escaping the Difaqane into a cohesive nation.
Tunisia is a socially cohesive nation of modest size.
In an Afghanistan struggling to build a cohesive nation after 23 years of war, ethnic tensions have supposedly been submerged in the name of national unity.
Shaka was the legendary Zulu King who played an important role in uniting disparate Zulu clans into a cohesive nation.
Namibia needs the contribution of its press to support the task of unifying the country's different racial and ethnic groups into a cohesive nation.
More than most countries in Africa, Somalia has appeared to scholars, and even its own citizens, as possessing the basic ingredients for a cohesive nation.