Campus Outreach is not a single cohesive organization: Rather, it is a network of organizations that are franchised to local churches in the target area.
Encouraged by the turnout of some 40,000 spectators, he set about organizing the disparate lacrosse clubs into a cohesive organization.
The most vital part of the NHS is that it is one cohesive collaborative organisation.
Investcorp said it planned to inject fresh capital into Gucci and to reorganize the group into a "cohesive worldwide organization."
This marked the end of Hizb-e Wahdat's political life as a cohesive political organisation.
These essential personnel will soon be joining the cohesive organization required to support the military operation in and around the Arabian Peninsula.
The merger of opposition groups into a strong party would undermine what has been the Communist Party's greatest strength, its relatively cohesive national organization.
While recognizing a "larger threat from Islamic terrorists," the memo denied the existence of a "cohesive organization" that could follow through on the threat.
To form an identifiable and cohesive organization representing the profession of midwifery on a regional, national, and international basis.
In a statement issued a week and a half ago, the department added, "There is no indication of any cohesive organization or relationship between the few individuals involved."