"Compared with the stagnant caregiver population, a cohort group that tends to be women in the 25-to-50-year age range, the elderly population is growing in leaps and bounds."
One interesting finding of this exercise was that for each age group the age of the healthy person approximated to the individual's broad cohort group.
Their books are full of talk about cohort groups and charts where generations are neatly fitted into boxes.
If you can, find a cohort group in your kid's middle school to trade info about open houses (which ones really check the list to make sure you are signed up?
Even aged timber management is a group of forest management practices employed to achieve a nearly coeval cohort group of forest trees.
According to the characteristics of young cohorts, their readership level is lower than other older cohort groups.
Comparing older cohorts to the younger, the way how the young cohort groups socialized is different, there is a negative cohort effect that the younger tend to read less.
Generations are identified (from first birthyear to last) by looking for cohort groups of this length that share three criteria.
This population was systematically compared by cohort group to a typical U.S. population.
Alzheimer's patients are the largest cohort groups that express IA.