The coins typically commemorate the anniversaries of historical events or draw attention to current events of special importance.
It is likely that the 4th coin, which will be released in 2014, will commemorate 50th anniversary of Malta's constitution.
The new coin commemorated the 60th anniversary of the Allied victory in World War II.
The first coin commemorated the Silver Jubilee of Canada's flag and sold for $395.00.
Many ancient and pre-modern coins certainly commemorate events in contemporary times.
The events that these coins commemorate are often chosen based on a perceived market, rather than events of significance to the country.
This coin also commemorates the 400th anniversary of the invention of Galileo's telescope.
The coin also commemorated President Kekkonen's 80th birthday the previous year.
Such coins usually commemorate the anniversaries of historical events.
The coin commemorates the 38th anniversary of the end of the Korean War; an armistice was negotiated in 1953.