Their annual breeding coincides with the abundance of invertebrates after the dry season.
This coincided with the departure of presenter Stephen Cole after 295 shows.
Those realities coincide with popular revulsion against central direction after the Soviet record of material and moral disaster.
Bunch's arrival coincided with the start of the team's hard fall immediately after a Super Bowl victory.
It is no surprise that the emergence of the Panthers' defensive line coincides with the team's resurgence after a 1-15 season just two years ago.
The years contained in the Vietnam Era therefore do not necessarily coincide with the dates of any historical events prior to or after the war.
The final painting coincided with Marie's interest in politics after the death of her husband.
But Manchester's team has remeasured the position of this star and find it does not coincide with the radio position after all.
The discussion of the 2005 budget could coincide with the debates on the financial programming for the period after 2006.
That day just happened to coincide with the height of severe flooding in the Portland area after a series of winter storms.