A globe of cold gray brilliance appeared above and to the left of them some thirty feet away.
From the golden hull, a ray of cold green brilliance probed.
There was something about a flickering flame; it seemed alive, in contrast to the cold brilliance of an electric lamp.
Aside from that flickering cold brilliance, there was no other illumination save a few dying coals in the fireplace.
The eerie fire leaped skyward like sheets of cold brilliance.
Once again the slate-blue eyes held a cold brilliance that made Philip shiver.
Then the clouds would part like windows, as though to air the sky, which shimmered with a cold, glassy white brilliance.
Solinari, the silver moon, though only half-full, burned in the night sky with a cold brilliance.
The staff flared blue fire, bathing Cashel in a moment of cold brilliance.
Lightning flashed to the south, lighting up the canopy of clouds and the steppe around them with cold, pale brilliance.