Four stood in a cloud of their own breath, unseasonably cold as this night was.
The team also found, for the first time, small concentrations (a few percent) of methanol in cold molecular clouds.
Cerryl stood and walked to the window, glancing toward the cold gray clouds, then back at the redhead.
The heavy mist rarely lifted but closed in like a cold, clinging cloud around us.
God's gaze was not intense light, as he had been told by the Franciscans, but cold dank clouds and tears.
These were the cold Fortean clouds, and their location is commonly quite high.
Dawn came under a sky of cold gray clouds.
The principle in this case applies to a heated gas on top of a cold, dense cloud.
All day that hill of houses over London had been domed and sealed up with cold cloud.
It was subsequently observed in cold dark clouds and in the coma of comets.