They depend on the cold nutrient-rich currents to bring them food.
Three times he felt, with a shudder, the cold current of air from the knife near his neck, but what a surprise!
All at once I felt a cold current of air about me.
The cold current was opposite to that of the warm one, giving them an effective tailwind.
He looked into the Sailor's eyes, a green universe stirred by cold black currents.
"There are deep cold currents setting south into that area, Skipper."
He trembled with the cold current of the nightmare and stared about the dark room for something familiar.
Now, fog is caused, as you know, by the meeting of hot and cold currents of either air or water.
And if not, the dark, cold currents of the ocean below would soon finish it.
He and Manning waded up the cold current of the brook.