Renisenb looked at her with cold dislike.
He stood in front of Rap, studying him with a look of cold dislike, nibbling at a hangnail.
Ka Thaar, standing facing "Li Sharn," turned and looked at him with cold dislike as he entered.
His eyes glittered with a cold, reptilian dislike.
I believed I could have endured a hot hatred rather than a cold dislike.
Yet Shiona could not quite drive his warning from her mind and the look of cold dislike that had accompanied it.
There was cold dislike in the gaze that Mr. Wetherby .
Prudence looked at him with cold dislike, but said with deceptive meekness, "Very well, Doctor.
All of them seemed to have in common a cold dislike of children and a determination to do as little as possible for their inadequate wages.
Montgomery's expression mutated into one of cold dislike.